As the result of the coronavirus crisis, poverty rates are increasing. According to the Statbel data, the Belgian statistical office, in 2020, more than 2 million Belgians are facing poverty or social exclusion.
We know three indicators of poverty in the framework of the European policy: low income, severe material deprivation, very low labour intensity households.
According to the first of these indicators, 15.5% of the Belgian population is at high risk of poverty. This category includes single-parent families, the unemployed, young people 18-24, people with a low level of education.
In Belgium, we have 5.5% of the population living in extreme instability, suffering from significant material deprivation.
According to the third indicator, 14.6% of the population in Belgium is at risk of poverty due to low work intensity.
The situation is alarming, because here we are talking about figures from 2020 when the Covid-19 crisis had just begun.
No doubt, nowadays in 2021, the figures of the social and financial impact of the health crisis have considerably changed.
A new documentary has been released to explain the current poverty figures in Belgium and the reality of social assistance services in the context of the coronavirus crisis.
The author of the films ‘Le Prix du Pain’ (2012) and ‘Volontaire’ (2017), Yves Dorme, started his third project and launched the new documentary ‘S’appauvrir’.
This documentary speaks about the challenges that social workers are confronted with more and more often. According to the filmmaker, it was important to illustrate poverty management system in Belgium.
Social exclusion is increasing and social assistance services are not sufficient to allow people to live with dignity. All these topics are highlighted in the documentary.
The film can be viewed by clicking on the following link ‘S’appauvrir’, Yves Dorme.