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Disabled people gained autonomy with elevator renovation

Facere has come to UFB to apply for financial aid to renovate their elevators. Facere is a daytime care and accommodation centre for adults, suffering from cerebral motor disability. It is a severe cerebral handicap that causes sensorial, cognitive and epileptic disturbances. Facere residents simply cannot carry out alone daily activities like eating or washing themselves. It takes a great team of occupational physio-, psycho- and speech therapists to perform continuous work to ensure precise and quality support of every resident.


Regardless of physical and mental health condition, assuring well-being of each resident is paramount. The medical and paramedical team do their best so that residents can do different activities and develop their potential.

Renovation of Facere’s elevators is key for mobility

Mobility remains the principal constraint at Facere. Some movements are extremely difficult, and that’s why residents need constant assistance. They also need elevators that allow them to be autonomous and independent. They are an essential element to go to the kitchen, living room or other areas equipped for extra activities and hobbies. Both elevators needed renovation, including one of them being completely out of service.

We feel inspired to play a role in realising this project. Thanks to your donations and support, Facere residents explore and enjoy daily pleasures in a safer and more independent way.

“The support of UFB enabled us to renew our elevators, which were over 25 years old. This renovation has allowed our residents and beneficiaries to regain a certain mobility and autonomy in their daily movements. It has also allowed us to demonstrate to all the residents that we care about their well-being and ensure that we have new infrastructures that are very important to them. We thank UFB once again for their support.” (Facere asbl staff)

Every year we select dozens of small charity associations across Belgium to distribute collected funds. These associations introduce meaningful projects, supporting the well-being of beneficiaries and enabling them to enjoy extra activities.

As a small-sized non-profit organisation, we understand the challenges tiny charities experience and the importance of having necessary funds at the right moment. United Fund for Belgium has the privilege to connect with companies on a day-to-day basis. For this reason, we feel the responsibility to share stories of Belgian charities and raise awareness on social issues they deal with and the extraordinary work behind the scenes.

These stories inspire us and we hope they will inspire you too…

But the year 2022 is not over. We continue to work with associations and find solutions for their projects. It’s not too late to give them a boost and help other local charities in need. You can still make impact in 2022 and support our mission here!

Please remember that by making a donation starting from 40€, you can benefit from 45% of fiscal deduction in 2023.

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