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Families can share heart-warming moments in a new kitchen

This year Le Roseau asbl has also solicited United Fund for Belgium to ask for financial support to create a common kitchen space. Le Roseau is an accommodation centre, situated close to Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert. They offer rooms for people whose family members, including small children and babies, have been hospitalised in Saint-Luc.

Whether it is for a car accident, a severe illness or a specific treatment, patients with these conditions need to feel “at home” and be surrounded by close people.

Often relatives don’t have enough financial means to pay for accommodation, especially if they should stay for a long time. Le Roseau offers an alternative and much cheaper option to stay close with their loved ones.

What distinguishes Le Roseau from a simple housing is the warm welcome that volunteers offer to make everyone feel “at home”. Families can gather, share their experience and find comfort during uneasy times.

New kitchen – a space for autonomy and solidarity

Sharing your experience with others can help create solidarity. Currently Le Roseau is undergoing some construction works to renovate their rooms. Besides new cozy rooms, they also planned to create a new common area – a well-equipped kitchen. New kitchen space will allow its residents to be more autonomous, prepare food themselves and enjoy a sweet family moment altogether.

Thanks to your contributions, patients and their families can be reunited and deal with illness together, while enjoying simple pleasures and forgetting the reason why they have come here.

Staff members do their best to provide a comfortable stay. We feel joyful to have contributed to this project thanks to your support.

“The support of UFB is crucial for our association because it enables the people who accompany people who are hospitalised or treated as ambulatory patients at the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels to prepare meals that are good for them. This allows them to save money, recharge their batteries by keeping their culinary habits and meet other carers who are in the same situation as them. This common kitchen is a centre of life for our shelter. This concerns 34 families in parallel, who cannot go home in the evening because they live too far from the hospital. They need a place to stay where they feel comfortable and that doesn’t cost them too much.” (Le Roseau Direction)

During the year UFB helps dozens of charities with meaningful projects. They have a direct impact on beneficiaries and provide essential elements for their well-being.

But the work doesn’t stop for UFB. We continue to receive projects from other local charities. You can still make impact in 2022 and support our social integration mission here! Your contribution will boost impact for these urgent projects.


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