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A new van, allowing the workers at Recyclart to continue their job training

Recyclart’s mission is to train people from disadvantaged backgrounds, develop their professional skills and help them gain experience. The charity focuses on three major spheres: economic, social and artistic. They promote social economy and advocate for the better quality of life in neighbourhoods like Molenbeek.

Recyclart – a social game-changer

Recyclart asbl mainly focuses on three activities: Recyclart Fabrik, where workers master skills in carpentry, metal work, stock management and infrastructure, and horeca; a 100% vegan restaurant/bar where trainees are able to discover catering profession and an art centre, providing access to culture by organising diverse events.

Recyclart asbl is a great example of inclusion where each individual is respected and trained regardless of its nationality, social status, gender or age. That is why, we were enthusiastic about granting them a financial aid.


A new van to enter Brussels LEZ

The workshop Recyclart Fabrik organises a two-year socio-professional integration, allowing trainees to adapt to a working environment, learn how to build soft skills required for professional setting and integrate a job market.

The changed rules about the Brussels low-carbon emissions zones (LEZ) forced Recyclart Fabrik to change their vehicle to have an authorization to enter Brussels. On top of that, their van was too old and was experiencing multiple technical issues. Thanks to your donations, UFB was able to support Recyclart with the purchase of a new van, allowing them to enter Brussels’ LEZ again !

“Thanks to UFB, thanks to its donors! Our old van was no longer allowed in the Brussels low-carbon emissions zones and had more and more mechanical failures. From now on, our new vehicle allows the teams of our workshops in socio-professional integration of “Recyclart Fabrik” to maintain their professional trips (installation of furniture, recovery of orders, …), in comfort, in safety, and with the professional image they are proud to show.” (direction at Recyclart asbl/vzw)

It is a great joy for United Fund for Belgium to endorse, in one way or another, meaningful initiatives like the one at Recyclart. Such social projects are an instrument to tackle socio-economic issues, positively impact welfare of more vulnerable clusters of society while cultivating inclusive mindset.

Everybody has the right to be included in our society. On 20th March, during the UFB panel discussion on inclusion and diversity (learn more here), our guest speakers emphasized how essential it is for leaders and organisations to educate their peers and foster inclusive behaviour to change mindset.

With your help we are creating, step by step, a fair and welcoming environment for everyone. If you wish to support our work, then you can make a donation here.


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