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New wheelchairs for better sports results!

Offering a sporting experience for everyone

Overcoming the taboo of disability remains a challenge in Belgium, as many people with a disability still experience isolation and discrimination in various aspects of their lives.

Cap2Sports is a young association that fights for the social inclusion of people with a physical or mild mental disability. Founded in 2017, it offers various sporting activities such as basketball, cycling, hippotherapy, para-karate, badminton, handball and skiing.

Quality wheelchairs for a winning handball team

Cap2Sports cares deeply about the comfort of their beneficiaries. Thanks to your donations, we helped them acquire new, high-quality wheelchairs to improve sporting activities of a handball team. Specifically, the wheelchairs will be used to improve their game and offer stronger emotions for a unique experience.

“The new wheelchairs are more efficient and will enable our team to be more competitive. We hope the results will follow! As well as the sporting aspect, our project could also help to encourage people with reduced mobility to get out of their homes, meet other people who have had a similar experience to their own, and create contacts that will enable them to regain a social life after the trauma they have suffered. We hope to act as a showcase for adapted sport in the Liège region.”

(Christian Pirard, Cap2Sports)

Do you care about the social inclusion of people with reduced mobility? Are you looking for a project to support?

Contact our team for more information:

Séverine Laneau –

Catherine Tricot –

We’re here to guide you to projects with a social impact.

Are you a charity with a social project aimed at improving the daily lives of vulnerable people?

Contact our Project Manager, Séverine Laneau, for more information at

As an individual, you can also make a contribution and help us support tangible projects to provide a better life for vulnerable people.

Donate here: https: //

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