Fight exclusion
for more social integration
United Fund for Belgium
United Fund for Belgium,a Belgian non-profit organization, collects donations from businesses, organizations and individuals with the mission to help people in need by financing projects of charity associations in Belgium.
United Fund for Belgium redistributes the integrality of the raised funds to support the concrete projects.
Children in need
Fight against poverty
Support for the disabled
Are you an individual?
Your generosity counts for better social integration.
Are you an association ?
Looking to finance your social project in your region? We can support you!
Are you a company?
Get involved with us and become a real social player!

Why support UFB ?
For a society it is crucial to provide equal opportunities for as many of its members. To achieve this ideal, United Fund for Belgium relies over the years to the generosity of corporate and individual donors to support worthwhile projects aimed at helping those most in need! All your donations and support are appreciated at fair value. You can be assured that they will be implemented into effective action where they are needed most!
All funds raised are redistributed.
We support concrete local actions, everywhere in Belgium
We support projects that have a direct positive impact on their beneficiaries
Each project is assessed and visited under strict governance before a finance decision
We guarantee transparency of all operations and payment of the beneficiaries only through invoice
Online donations are totally secure
We are officially recognized and therefore your support is tax deductible
We provide you with a tax certificate once a year
Thank you for your generosity!
"Once again, you have made the call.
On behalf of UFB we thank you for your trust.
We need your donations, which are a guarantee for the future of the projects we will support.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts".

Let’s act together!
Support our action and together we can implement our vision: stimulate social integration for all generations in society.Are you a company?
Are you an association ?
Are you an individual?

Our ambassador
Vincent Vanasch commits to United Fund for Belgium
“It is inconceivable that so many people still live in poverty in our country!”.. For the goalkeeper of the National Belgian Hockey Team it is an evidence to support UFB

The projects we support
Our help is aimed at the most vulnerable. We preferably support local, small to medium sized associations. We contribute to social integration by fighting poverty, helping disabled, focusing on child welfare. LEARN MOREBecome a partner !
Find out how you can get involved with us!
Would you like your company to get involved in our commitment for a better social integration in Belgium? Join United Fund for Belgium! By becoming a partner, you will help us devote all our skills and resources to the benefit of the most vulnerable.
Let’s act together!

Some partners examples: