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People in precarious situations enjoy live concerts with the new sound equipment

Ensuring every child, woman, refugee or a senior in a vulnerable situation has equal access to culture and art is the main mission of the young charity Orfeo.  

“Art for everyone” is the slogan that drives Orfeo’s volunteers to continue their job with strong commitment and break taboos. In three years they have succeeded to gather 200 artists and organise around 400 indoor and outdoor events.

Art and music are inspiring and empowering for all people going through challenging life situations. At Orfeo, they seek to “make connections” and create positive moments of sharing and solidarity but also entertainment.

Their volunteers and artists organise workshops, spectacles or concerts in residential homes, shelters, youth centres and even outdoors.


Spreading the music to create connection

Everyone of us certainly remembers this feeling of listening to music & getting immersed in another universe? Music is inspiring and touching at once with the power to reach our deepest emotions.

Since the Covid crisis, Orfeo’s teams decided to adapt to the new reality and outdoor concerts became a traditional way of carrying their mission and cheering up the public.

We are proud to help Orfeo with the purchase of this new sound equipment. With culture under constant pressure, it is essential to support projects like this.

In times of acceleration and disruption, art sustains and educates us to be kind, patient and tolerant. In times when inclusion still needs to be reached, projects like Orfeo should also be supported and encouraged to amplify their social impact.

You also can join the picture and make art more accessible for vulnerable people by making a donation here.

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