Our aim is to stimulate social integration
United Fund for Belgium helps companies in Belgium, wishing to support social causes. Our ultimate goal: to build a society in which everyone is socially integrated and where the well-being of every child is ensured As a true connector and enabler between charity organizations and the corporate world, United Fund for Belgium is committed to providing the most vulnerable with the help they need. We therefore prefer to support small or medium-sized local associations, addressing a public in a situation of isolation, poverty and/or disability.

Vision & Mission
For a society, it is crucial to provide equal opportunities for as many of its members as possible. A society where everyone is socially integrated and where every child can enjoy the well-being he or she deserves. Every society must guarantee equal opportunities for all its members. Social integration is therefore at the heart of our action. By promoting it, United Fund for Belgium fights to reduce exclusion.
In our view, the process of social integration is only worthwhile if it involves the largest possible number of members of the society. herefore, social integration should include in this process all generations, people with and without disabilities, people from all socio-economic backgrounds.
Our vision is contributing to social integration by fighting poverty, by helping disabled, by focusing child welfare.

United Fund for Belgium helps companies, operating in Belgium and wishing to support social causes, to get in touch with one or more carefully selected local social projects, to contribute to better social integration in Belgium. UFB enables donors, together with their stakeholders, to have a concrete and lasting social impact, and to create a sense of community, locally.
To achieve our mission, we lead the organization with strict governance. The selection process is carried out by the Allocation Committee, which selects the charities eligible for funding by United Fund for Belgium. For each application we receive, one of our volunteers makes a field visit and each application is scanned in details. Once visited, the file is then forwarded to the Allocation Committee, which states on it during one of its 8 to 10 annual sessions. The Allocation Committee discusses each project in detail. Its decision is impartial and taken unanimously by the members.
Once the projects have been accepted and implemented, United Fund for Belgium reimburses the costs on presentation of invoices only by the beneficiary organisation. Therefore, we can guarantee 100% of the donations go to our projects.
You are a charity organisation?
Need some help? Do you need financing? Any advice? We help you!
Listen to your generosity and solidarity!
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You wish to become a partner?
Would your company like to make large donations to us on a regular basis?