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“Inclusion is a key for resilience”: UFB holds an inspirational talk on Monday, 20 March

Companies are actively looking for ways to strengthen their environmental and social impact, guided by their ESG strategies. At the same time, consumers and employees value increasingly the ethics and transparency of businesses and their brands. How can organisations contribute to building strong, inclusive and resilient communities, capable to respond positively to crises and pressure?

UFB as a social player

United Fund for Belgium is an important player in the social framework of ESG strategies. As part of our mission, we help Belgian charities fulfil their concrete projects by collecting corporate and individual donations.

We believe that only a coordinated and systematic approach can help us reach a maximum impact. If companies focus on inclusiveness and diversity, they can become resilient and help charities develop their resilience too.

Get ready for an inspiring session

To discuss how inclusion can help build resilience and affect growth, we are organising an inspiring panel debate. During this instructive session, Belgian business and charity leaders will share their thoughts on how to collaborate and strive for an inclusive society.

Four representatives from the business world will join our discussion: Lieve Mostrey, CEO of Euroclear, Ludivine Pilate, CEO of Puilaetco, Salvatore Iannello, CEO of Chocolaterie Galler and McKinsey Senior Partner, Frederic Vandenberghe.

We are also privileged to welcome in this debate a speaker from a Belgian charity – Joris De Ceuster, Director Branch Antwerpen of Duo for a Job.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Eric Dumez, Managing Director, Balancing Act.

How to register?

It is easy to register. Please follow the link and fill in the registration form. The event is free and the debate will be followed by a networking drink and a walking dinner.

Thanks to our host McKinsey & Company, we’ll be honoured to welcome you on Monday, 20th March in McKinsey Brussels offices, Brederode street 2.

Charity sector in Belgium has a strong potential and is a true inspiration and asset for our society. We are very excited to organise this debate to exchange perspectives and drive motivation for new future initiatives with UFB. Only collaborative effort and cooperation will help us make better decisions and maximise our impact.

So register NOW here and let’s kick off the year with this inspirational session!

We remain at your disposal, if you should have any additional questions:

Catherine Tricot – Executive Director –

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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