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A word from the Executive Director

Our society must offer equal opportunities to everyone, of all generations and socio-economic backgrounds.

That is why United Fund for Belgium supports social integration by fighting exclusion and poverty, helping people with disabilities and contributing to the well-being of every child.

Our charity has a direct impact on all local Belgian associations, as we support projects to improve their infrastructure.

You can endorse our values as a company, or as an individual by participating in this improvement mission. And you are absolutely right, because for almost 50 years now, United Fund for Belgium has been redistributing 100% of your donations to small and medium-sized Belgian associations.

We are appealing to your generosity to help us in our mission. Open your heart and support us!

How can you help us? By a direct donation (company or individual), by buying our products, by participating in one of our many fundraising events. You can also make a bequest or add UFB to your will.

In this way, you will be making your contribution and hundreds of children, people living in disadvantaged and unstable conditions as well as the disabled will be grateful to you!

Thank you for your support and for helping to build a better society.

Catherine Tricot
Executive Director

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