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Supporting us with a legacy gift

Over the years, the generosity of our trusted donors and supporters has helped us provide indispensable support to the most vulnerable people in Belgium: lonely mothers in difficulty, abandoned children, people with disabilities, young people from migrant background, elderly and so many other underprivileged people.

Discover here the social impact we have made together by financing numerous social projects during the last years.


Donating a legacy gift

In the future, we wish to continue providing essential assistance to Belgian charities to improve lives for the better of countless people in need.

As you’re our most valued supporter, we ask you consider donating a legacy gift to United Fund for Belgium.

A legacy gift is a powerful way to show your support for our cause and help us make a lasting impact on a local community.


How does it work?

Inheritance tax for associations is generally less than 10% and varies according to the region where it is levied. You will find detailed information on:

And as you will see :

  • In Flanders, there is no inheritance tax on donations & legacies to associations.
  • In Brussels & Wallonia, you can make a “Duo bequest” which allows you to optimise the tax aspect of your succession planning: Legs en duo I Het duolegaat

If you’re willing to make a legacy gift to United Fund for Belgium, please contact your notary. Our team would also be happy to answer your questions and help you in case of any possible issues.

Contact our team to answer your questions.

Wishing to support us in a more traditional way? Make a donation to boost our end-of-year fundraising.

Thank you for your continued support and for considering this important opportunity to make a lasting impact with us and the people in need we serve.

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